Gourmet Pizza Kitchen

    Yumm Gourmet Pizza Kitchen - Penrith

    Delivery: 04:30pm - 09:30pm

    Open today: 04:30pm - 09:30pm

    Sorry we are not accepting online orders right now, please call us on (02) 4731 2577 to place your order.
    Burger Deal
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    Chicken Deal
    Burger Fries Deal
    Click the Download button to get a copy of our menu
    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us

    Yumm!!! Gourmet Pizza. We are connected with our community from last many years as different brand. But now it's our time to start as our own local brand. All our pizzas are lovingly made with high quality fresh ingredients, it all starts with the dough hand-made in our kitchens and our toppings are sourced from Australian local growers and producers whenever possible.

    We not just aim to provide best home delivery - take away possible food and high level of customers service but we would like our customers to have their best moment with our testy gourmet slice.